The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show is coming back to life with an abundance of crystals, gemstones, fossils, meteorites, and old friends. With so many citizens of so many countries able to travel again Tucson is a place of joyful abundance, it is a reunion in the very best sense.
While cooler this year, +20C, I was walking each day in the dessert sun in search of crystal treasures. From carvings to raw minerals, to rare formations only found in brightly lit cases, there were just the right stones for every person to discover. And I found stones I had only seen in textbooks, including Azurite nodules carved in half.
The Himalayan vendor had clusters with tiny points, not found before this year. Luis, the Amber vendor carried Elite Shungite. And Ahhh Muse had a new healing chair to sit in with intention.
I walked a Rose Quartz path with scattered rose petals at Enter the Earth, and felt bliss. I sat with each sunrise and sunset, and felt peace.
Each day I found stones for personal orders, for classes planned for the year ahead, for a new tea, a new Financial set of stones, and more surprises to come!
I had the joy of sitting with Anastasia and Vivien to discuss crystals, Niel to discuss shamanism, and Scoop and Jean to discuss wands. I purchased an Integration wand, part of a trio of wands, to begin the work of parallel lives with clients.
It is joy-filled, heavy work each year finding the stones. And joy-filled, detailed work bring them back to Canada for the sale.